Monday, July 28, 2008

Ganked 4

The final end of Tohil's mana problems, or is it?

Monday, July 21, 2008

Ganked 3 is here!

So continues the mana water saga!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Ganked Strip 2

After looking back on the first strip I decided to make a few changes, two of them being the strip format and character design. While the 4 panel format didn't change much, I did change the characters though. I wanted something more toonier and for the rest of the strip I'll keep experimenting with the character design till I find something I am comfortable with. This is also the first strip with the "Ganked" logo.

Monday, July 07, 2008

The Green Thong of Shame.

Here it is, the very first Ganked strip, enjoy!

Sunday, July 06, 2008


For a while now I have been working on a comic strip, with my friend Eric, called "Ganked." It was done in conjunction with a The Game Council podcast. Three times a month they'd post a new podcast along with a new comic strip. Things have changed and I have decided to bring Ganked here. Every Monday there will be a new Ganked posted. During the week there will be sketches and story ideas posted.

So what is Ganked? It's a comic strip based on World of Warcraft. The difference with this strip is that the gaming element is totally removed. The World of Warcraft is real and its unfortunate characters move about the world without any outside player controlling their actions. Every week I'll post info about a character and their place in the WoW world.

Hopefully Ganked can become full time. The first goal is to get Ganked out every week, however bad it may be. Be warned, I will experiment with everything to character designs to color pallets. You will see some weird changes and hopefully some color! Eric, the co-writer, and I will also play around with story and dialogue. I think we'll come up with some great stuff that you'll enjoy!

Here's to rest of the year getting Ganked!