Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Why I Don't Post

There is a nagging feeling I get every time I open a browser, or when someone sends me the link to a website. It's the fact that I have a blog that I have neglected for a long time. I know, I know, I said I would draw and sketched everyday. It seems my time management skills are failing me because I hardly have any time to draw. While I do get in a sketch here a sketch there but then I have to scan, upload, and a write a catchy story to go with. Yes, more responsibilities at work along with everything means I have a few hours, if any, to sit down and draw. Not to mention the fact that I am more tired now that ever before. Do I take responsibility and blame myself? Nope, not at all. I blame WoW (World of Warcraft), that highly addictive game that I just can't help thinking about. If I am not playing I am thinking about playing. Late night raids and mid afternoon battlegrounds have caused other important things like drawing and having a life to take a back seat. Will I ever kick the habit. Who knows, for now I enjoy sheeping low levels and dispensing pain and misery upon the alliance. For the horde!

Friday, November 17, 2006

A new kind of sketch book.

No matter where I go I always carry with me a sketch book just In case I see something that catches my eye, or an idea that suddenly comes to me in the stir of the moment. Sketch books are very handy in that they require no batteries or any sort of power to keep them going. For the longest this has been my method of getting ideas or images down on paper. I hardly ever gave photography a second look. Well now that my schedule has become more hectic and my drawing time has been cut drastically. I've been finding myself use a camera more and more. It's quick and easy. Just point and shoot. Not only has it been helpful in gathering ideas, reference material, etc. I can make quick compositions, color studies, or just about anything that comes to mind. While it won't totally replace my sketch book I'll definitely be reaching my camera more and more.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

I wish I had more time...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Another Friday night rolls around.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

First post! Welcome to Ivan's SketchCraft. A place for sketches, ideas and thoughts that all drawn out. I'll try to post a sketch a day or at least five times a week. Hopefully this will help me get me back on track to drawing, but you'll learn more about that as I go along. I am new to blogging so I'll be playing around with the template, features and options, so you may see some changes along the way. Chances are I won't know what I am doing. I hope that you'll find something entertaining, interesting, amusing or even thought provoking. Who knows?