In WoW when we set out to go on a quest, or instance run, we make sure that we have everything that we need. We'll stock up bandages, potions, food, and water. We'll head out determined to finish the quest. Most of the time we are way in over our heads handling elite mobs, and after getting a whoppin for a few hours we hearthstone back with our heads down, but determined to come back.
That is the best way I can describe the journey that has been Ganked. From the first strip down to the most recent we have gone through many story, character, and drawing challenges. There have been many great improvements over the course of the strip, and still many great ideas to explore. However, like any tough instance I feel the time has come to step out for a bit and get some rest points. This means that this will be the last Ganked in a good long time. However, this doesn't mean that I am quitting Ganked for good. I'll still be working on new ideas, and when the time is right I'll share them with you. Thanks again for your support and readership.
What you can expect from is that I will be working on great new ideas, new stories, and new art. I got a cintiq a while back and it is the best investment I have ever made. It has totally changed my work flow. So on Sketch Craft you can expect to see a lot more new ideas and art.
Again, Thank you for your support.