There is a nagging feeling I get every time I open a browser, or when someone sends me the link to a website. It's the fact that I have a blog that I have neglected for a long time. I know, I know, I said I would draw and sketched everyday. It seems my time management skills are failing me because I hardly have any time to draw. While I do get in a sketch here a sketch there but then I have to scan, upload, and a write a catchy story to go with. Yes, more responsibilities at work along with everything means I have a few hours, if any, to sit down and draw. Not to mention the fact that I am more tired now that ever before. Do I take responsibility and blame myself? Nope, not at all. I blame WoW (World of Warcraft), that highly addictive game that I just can't help thinking about. If I am not playing I am thinking about playing. Late night raids and mid afternoon battlegrounds have caused other important things like drawing and having a life to take a back seat. Will I ever kick the habit. Who knows, for now I enjoy sheeping low levels and dispensing pain and misery upon the alliance. For the horde!

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